Inference & Text Evidence
Inference & Text Evidence Pre Assessment
Looking for a way to provide differentiation? This 10 question pre-assessment will help you determine what your students know and what they need to work on.
Download Includes:
10 Questions Assessment: 2 Vocabulary Questions , 2 Basic Inference Questions, Short Fiction Passage and 3 Related Questions, Informational Text Passage and 3 Related Questions
Google Forms or PDF format with Answer Key
Instructions: Break down of how to analyze your student’s results and determine what activities are best for their level (activity suggestions provided).
Do you find yourself constantly needing to explain inference?
Do you need a quick reference chart for question stems and tips related to inference?
This colorful chart is the perfect addition for your classroom!
It includes: Word, Definition, Tips, and Question Stems.
Help your students write quality constructed responses with text evidence by using this structured framework.
The RTQT has been the best framework for my students! They are now writing 4 or more amazing sentences in response to an open-ended question about what they read! It's almost like magic!
This download has everything you need to get your students writing responses that answer the questions and give textual evidence.
Download Includes:
Google Slides Mini Lesson: 19 colorful and engaging slides that will guide your students through the RTQT process.
Practice Activities: Provides 5 practice slides for restating the question, 1 short story with practice RTQT question, 1 collaboration activity for students to write their own question and answer other group’s questions.
Poster: Print and have students glue in their notebook for easy reference.
Delivery: PDF with link to Google Slide.
Introduce or review inference and text evidence vocabulary terms with this fun mini lesson.
What’s included:
1. Colorful and engaging Google Slides presentation with Term, Definition, and Explanation: Infer, Analyze, Explicit, Text Evidence, Support.
2. Digital Foldable: Students can follow along and take notes on the Google Slides interactive foldable!
3. Quizizz Link: Practice the terms with this short 5 question Quizizz.
4. Video: Instructional video included.
Links for the activities are included on the instruction sheet.
This year, before we jumped right into inferring based on clues from passages, we did this activity to help make inferences more relevant and engaging - and the students LOVED it!
Mystery Box Station Activity:
1. Put everyday items in tissue boxes.
2. Without looking, students will put their hand in each box.
3. They will use clues and past experiences to make predictions about what is in the box.
4. Afterward, they will come up with a definition for inference based on the activity.
Download Includes:
1. Step by Step Instructions (PDF)
2. Prediction Sheets (PDF)
3. Google Slides Presentation to help manage the stations and reveal of what's in the box
This product is what I use to make sure all of my students have the correct terminology and understanding of inference. It is a quick way to introduce the terms and practice how to apply them.
This download includes: Google Slides Presentation
Notes: Defines inference, how to infer, and why we infer.
Whole Class Activity: This is a set of teacher-led activities that allow students to practicing inferring.
Activity 1 &2: Students look at images and infer what the people/animals are thinking based on what is happening.
Activity 3: Students read a text message and infer what will happen based on the info in the message.
Activity 4: Students read a product review and determine how the reviewer feels about the product and what their rating would be.
Individual or Group Activity: 5 Quest Cards where students determine inferences based off of short passages
*All PDF downloads and Links to Google Slides
This download includes:
Google Slides Presentation: 11 colorful and engaging slides that introduce the concept of text evidence.
Notes: Defines and explains text evidence, how to analyze, direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary.
Vocabulary Practice: Practice the five terms with Quizziz. Link and instructions included.
Whole Class Activity: Work with your class and help them find text evidence to support their inferences using the song “Believer” by Imagine Dragons.
Individual or Group Activity: 5 Quest Card activities that have students find text evidence to support inferences about 5 different songs. Lyrics and links to songs included. (Digital and paper version available.)
Answer Key and Instructions: Find your instructions, links, and answer key all on one PDF document.
Google Slides Links & PDF Copies
I love when my students are about to answer a question about a text. I do not love when they leave out their support. This lesson will help you give your students practice with analyzing text and supporting answers with text evidence. It is a fast and fun way to teach and introduce TEXT EVIDENCE to your middle school students.
When I found this story, I knew I found something that would stay in my lesson plan rotation for years to come.
This story is perfect for teaching and exploring inference. And since the story is a little creepy, even my hard to reach readers are engaged!
For this activity, I read aloud the story “The Landlady,” and pause at key moments listed on the activity sheet. During these pauses, students talk and infer about the characters, motivations, and actions. After the story, we watch the short movie and students reflect on their inferences.
What's Included:
1. Student Activity Sheet: 12 inference-based questions with text evidence prompts and reflection area.
2. Teacher Instruction Sheet: Step by step instructions with links to the story (if needed) and short film.
PDF download
Since this movie does not have dialogue, it is perfect for students to rely on prior knowledge, music, and actions. The activity sheet included tells students where to pause and write possible inner dialogue. I encourage my students to use first person POV and write dialogue that shows character's feelings and motivations.
My middle school students really love this activity and I think it is helpful with learning HOW to infer.
Download Includes:
1. Student Activity Sheet: Includes pausing spots and areas to write inferences for both characters.
2. Teacher Instructions: Detailed instructions for you. Link to movie included.
All PDF downloads
With this engaging inference activity, students work on inferring character thoughts based on the short film, “Soar”.
You've taught it. You've done all the things to prepare your middle school students, and now they are ready to test on inference! This is the comprehensive test to see if your students understand the different components of inference. After your students take this assessment, you will be able to pinpoint where students struggle and will be able to target your reteaching.
The 20 Question Test Includes:
4 Term Questions: Covers the definition and importance of inference and reading between the lines.
4 Basic Inference Questions: Students will read a short paragraph and infer based on the details in the paragraph.
5 Inferring Character Trait Questions: Students will read a short paragraph and infer the character trait of main characters based on scenarios and dialogue.
12 Inference Questions based on Mini Passages: Students will read 4 mini passages and answer questions for each one that have students infer about events, character traits, and use text evidence to support an inference.
Google Forms, Google Docs, and PDF version available.
100% editable within the Google versions so you can make it meet the specific needs of your classroom.
Station One: Inferring Based on Images
Students will analyze each of the 5 images carefully based on the image. Students will fill in the chart noting what they See, Infer...Because, and Wonder.
Station Two: Inferring Ratings of Amazon Product Reviews *Classroom Favorite*
Students carefully read the Amazon reviews. Based on the clues from the review, students determine if the review is positive or negative. Then they highlight sentences that helped them determine their inference.
Station Three: Inferring Setting
Students will read each scene carefully. Based on the clues from the paragraph, students will determine the setting. Students highlight sentences that helped them determine their inference.
Station Four: Inferring Character Traits
Students carefully read the short stories. For the first three slides, students determine the character trait of the main character based on the clues.
For the last two activities, students will write their own short stories that require the reader to infer character traits.
Google Slides and PDF Versions available
Oh, inference. Why do my middle schoolers struggle with you so much?
I don't know about you, but this is the one skill that we need to constantly practice in my classroom. These four stations are the result of wanting to add a little interest, relevance, and pizzazz to my inference lessons. Their favorite was definitely station 2!
Figure It Out
If you are looking for a rigorous activity for students who have an understanding of inference, then this lesson is perfect for you!
Students select a character trait and setting from a list and write a short story where the reader has to infer the setting and trait based on the clues given by the author.
After writing the story, students construct their own text evidence and inference based multiple choice questions.
This download includes:
The digital activity: 9 colorful and engaging slides to guide students through the process. There is even an example activity provided!
Formatted PDF: Prefer paper copies? No worries! There is a PDF version of the entire activity available.